Don't have a VoiceThread account? It's free for now, please don't pay anything.
- Click on the link to take you to our VoiceThread. You will the screen pictured here.
- Choose Sign In or Register from the bottom left-hand corner.
- Register for your free education account. Suggestion: Use our username and password so you don't forget it.
- After you have registered, please upload your avatar. If you don't have one, you might want to try or DoppleMe.
- Once your avatar is uploaded, you can easily record your voice and comment on any page.
- When you are ready to share a sample of student work for discussion, please let me know and I'll help you get it in to VoiceThread the first time.
You should be able to comment on this VoiceThread by clicking on the link. You should be able to find it again under My Voice. Please let me know if you have trouble accessing it.
- Do you have a sample of student work to share and discuss here?
- Are you able to upload it as a new slide within the VoiceThread?
- If so, please upload it and discuss the work your students have done.
- If not, please let me know and we'll walk through it.
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