Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wiki Work: Ready for PrimeTime

It's time to get our wiki ready for prime time. Please make sure you visit The SandBox to view a list of things for presenters to think about, including using resources wisely, thinking about a backup plan, and using a Google Form to collect session feedback. The SandBox will close on Monday, 11/22 at midnight.

Please note: When the official Publishing Safety Checklist form is approved and available, it will need to be popped into your wiki page if your session involves publishing.  Stay tuned for that link.

Need Assistance?
If you are in need of resources, or if you need help building your wiki page, please let me know.

Final Hands-On Wiki Work Session
  • Monday, 11/22
  • Starts at 3:15
  • Location: Longfellow, Cat Clarke's room
  • Please let me know asap if you want to attend

Friday, November 19, 2010

Institute Day Update

The 21st Century Learning sessions are quite popular, and most are full. In light of this, it's time to consider whether or not you want to offer your session twice, in lieu of attending another session. The deadline to decide is Sunday night at midnight, so please think about it and let me know. If you have you heart set on attending another session, feel free to decline. Many thanks to the quick responses to the time-sensitive message sent this afternoon!

Here are the sessions we are offering twice so far: 
Class sizes will be smaller, due to lack of available of assistants.

Using a wiki to bring learning to life! Oxnevad
Absolutely ready for prime time blog, Clarke and Hutchinson
Digital storytelling in grades K-4 classroom, Vartanian
Making your blog work for you, Court
Bagging a grade, knowledge and the web, Kannan
SmartTools for everyone, Reynolds
Podcasting across the curriculum, Applebey
Glog on! Gallo
Using GoogleDocs for Collaboration, Frick
Using Digital Storytelling in grades 4-8

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Registration is Going Live

Institute Day registration is expected to go live on Wednesday morning.

Please take a look at the list of scheduled sessions to see when you will be teaching before you complete your own registration. You should register for a session during the time you are not teaching.

Please remember to register for the session you signed up to assist with. If you don't remember, you can find that information on the list of sessions and descriptions.

View Sessions and descriptions

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A few more openings

No time to present?
Please consider providing assistance during one of these Institute Day sessions.
Digital Leaders needed on Institute Day

Conceptua Math, Kevin and Cindy Anderson

Using Google Docs for Collaboration, Phyllis Frick

Working with a Wiki, Susan Oxnevad

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Help Wanted

Digital Leaders needed on Institute Day
Glogs, Filled by Jean and Katie


   SmartTools Filled by Natalie

             Google Docs

                        Anyone interested?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11/9: Institute Day Check In

Please complete the form at your earliest convenience. It's time for me to put together the registration form. Check in

Thinking about presenting?
Please contact me.

Want to help and learn a bit more along the way?
Keep your eye on the list of sessions as presenters fill them in. See something you like, give us a head's up.
View growing list of sessions, in progress

Find me in your building
Mann: Wednesday
Beye: Wednesday
Irving: Thursday
Julian: Thursday
Lincoln: Friday

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Institute Day Update: Wiki Launched

18 members have successfully joined the wiki! What's in the wiki?
  • Time Line
  • Institute Day Overview
  • The Sandbox  - Our workspace. A place for collaboration and developing ideas.
  • Sessions pages
    • Index of sessions
    • Links to session workspace for collaborating and a template for building session resources
    • Discussion options on every page
  • Help Wanted - Plenty of quick and easy jobs
  • Speak Out - A place for discussions and suggestions
  • Common Resources - A collection of handouts
Why not join the wiki?

Join Our Wiki

Invitations have been sent. If you didn't receive one, please let me know and I will send again, or Request Permission to Join.

See you on the wiki.
D97 Institute Day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Institute Day Update


Stay tuned to your email for an invitation to join our Institute Day Wiki! We're moving there.

Upcoming work sessions:
Upcoming work sessions:
  • 11/3: Wednesday, 2-3, Beye
  • 11/4: Thursday, 3:30, CO
  • 11/8: Monday TBD, if someone will host
  • 11/9: Tuesday,CO, training lab
    Things are shaping up nicely, wow!

    Wiki: Institute Day Resources

    At the planning meeting we decided it would be a great idea to create a wiki of Institute Day resources. I think this works on many levels:
    1. A template would help guide the sessions to make sure clear and consistent messages are sent. (i.e. Internet Safety, publishing) 
    2. It will provide us with a place to link to each other's resources and shared handouts.
    3. It will provide a format for helping presenters include district initiatives within each session (RtI, Literacy...)
    4. If done well, perhaps it could serve as a useful resources for follow up, review, and further learning.
    5. All materials for each session would be put together and ready to use again.
    6. Also, it will provide us with a work space, if we create a sandbox.
    Want to build a wiki? Please comment below.

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Institute Day Update: Great Meeting!

    Next on the agenda:
    • Sort through original working document, updated during the meeting
    • Create a wiki for session resources (and also virtual wiki work in progress) 
      • design template 
      • include district initiatives/goals
        • NETS
        • Get NETS-T (2008)
        • Get NETS-S (2007)
        • RtI connections including Classroom Management
        • Focus on the 1 computer classroom / 21st Century Learning
        • Internet safety and following procedures:
        • Compacting/crowded plate
        • Rationale
        • Literacy 
      • Form virtual committees
    Work sessions this week:
    • Tuesday, 11/2: anytime after 3:30, Central Office
    • Thursday, 11/4: anytime after 3:30, Central Office