Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Board Meeting: Postponed until February 9th

Kevin Anderson has made the decision to postpone our presentation to The Board until February 9th.

Our presentation on that evening will immediately precede part 1 of Kevin's tech presentation, and it should provide compelling evidence of what's possible in an attempt to inspire the board to want to see these things happening in every classroom with a new focus on technology.

The video and samples you have provided are amazing and your hard work and accomplishments are something to be very proud of. You will be able to preview the presentation by downloading it from the server from home next week. Details to follow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Board Meeting: Change of Location

The Board meeting will be held at Beye School, in the auditorium. The meeting starts at 7:00, and it is estimated that we will get a chance to share our slide show at some point around 7:30.

The goal is to get the slide showwhittled down to about 10-12 minutes, then save the rest of the time for questions.

Please stay tuned for information about downloading the completed PowerPoint with video for review, instead of having to stop by CO on Thursday.

If you haven't yet finalized your slides, please do so by Wednesday, in order for me to finalize the presentation in time for you to take a peak before going live.

Thanks so much!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

General SlideShow Feedback Available

The slide show has been updated with feedback from my initial peek at the slides.  When you are ready to finish them up, please take a look at the first few slides, DL Notes, to get some general tips for creating slides or editing existing slides.  I'm happy to clarify, please let me know.

Go to slide show

Friday, January 15, 2010

Board Presentation Timeline

Submit slides by Wednesday:

You have until Wednesday at 12:30 to get your slides in tip-top shape and into the shared PowerPoint.  At that point, I will be pulling the slides off of Google and inserting the video into the final PowerPoint presentation so it compliments the slides. That is when I'll get a good look at the slides, but I'm hoping they will be ready to go by the time they get to me.

Amount of content:
I think less than one minute is probably a good reference point. That includes the video footage of you and your students and samples of student work on slides.

Thanks for all your hard work, and enjoy the long weekend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Using a laptop to provide rapid feedback

Get the MC Media Player

Monday, January 11, 2010

Please upload all content to our presentation

In order to be able to access the Board Presentation content in one handy place I am asking you not to email me samples.  It seems more efficient for each of you to upload slides directly into the Digital Leader Laptop slideshow.  You will notice some new and improved slides at the front of the slide show, and separators between sections to organize just a bit. Let me know if you have questions and thank you.

Edit Board Presentation Slide Show
Primary Focus / Slides Needed:
Please decide on your primary area of focus and create a few good slides illustrating the work you want to share. Plan to discuss the learning experience on video as scheduled, and also show some students engaged in it, or engaged in discussing it.

21st Century Learning
  • Collaboration
  • Publishing
  • Research: Anyone have anything good to share?
  • Real world problem-solving/learning
  • Communication
  • Engaging learning
  • Productivity
Edit slideshow

Additional Slides Needed:
Examples of good blog posts and student comments to illustrate collaboration, communication and 21st century learning through a blog.
  • Find a good post
  • Click on the title to display only that post on the page
  • Take a snapshot
  • Create a slide illustrate the key points

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Board Presentation Tasks

If you submitted the form identifying samples for the presentation, you are making good progress.  If there is something obvious you would like to share, there's no reason not to finalize your slides highlighting those examples. Video will be included in your set of slides. Please remember to spell check and choose student work that illustrates their ability to do the same. Student samples must be easy to read and visually appealing.

Please review the list of tasks associated with the Board Presentation listed in the sidebar of the blog. There is virtual work and video to shoot. 

The opportunity to collaborate as a group one last time is on Monday, January 11th. This final work session will be held at Longfellow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work Session: Monday, January 11th: New Location

January 11th is the last available Monday for us to work together on the presentation to The Board. Due to lack of available meeting space at CO, we will be meeting at Longfellow. Debbie Creticos has graciously offered us the use of her 2nd floor classroom.

Please RSVP

Tasks to prepare for the presentation can be found in the sidebar. Your contributions are appreciated.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Board Presentation Contributions: Form due by January 11th.

A small group of Digital Leaders met yesterday to organize the presentation our group will be making to The Board on January 26th. The work is greatly appreciated. As a result of the planning, we have made some decisions.

  • 20 minutes is a fairly short amount of time. To make sure we get a chance to showcase the work without running overtime, we will not be talking our way through the slides at the meeting. Rather, we will be including the discussion through short video snippets within the presentation. This will keep the presentation on schedule, and leave enough time for questions/answers at the end. Your presence at the meeting is remains important, but we won't put you on the spot until it's time to answer those questions.
  • We have organized the presentation as follows:
    • Intro: 21st Century Learning Defined/Justified
    • Middle: Key concepts identified and justified, with examples of student work/projects (See the form below for the key concepts)
    • Conclusion: All teachers need a laptop, projector and a lot of training. Think of what we could do!
In order to move forward and get the presentation completed with time to breathe, it is requested that all Digital Leaders complete the form below no later than Monday, January 11th so we know what you would like to contribute. If you have already uploaded samples of slides to our shared presentation, If you give a digital leader a laptop, we can use the content, but you should still complete the form. If you are unable to contribute to the Board presentation, it is important for you to contact me by email at your earliest possible convenience.

21st Century Learning Examples: Board Presentation

Our next scheduled work session will be on Monday, December 11th at Longfellow.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Meeting: January 4th

Reminder: A work session has been scheduled at CO on January 4th, starting at 4:00. We will be preparing for our Board presentation on January 26th.  If you are unable to attend this meeting, please let me know if you can contribute virtually and/or if you would like to meet this week.

Please RSVP or decline