Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Board Presentation Contributions: Form due by January 11th.

A small group of Digital Leaders met yesterday to organize the presentation our group will be making to The Board on January 26th. The work is greatly appreciated. As a result of the planning, we have made some decisions.

  • 20 minutes is a fairly short amount of time. To make sure we get a chance to showcase the work without running overtime, we will not be talking our way through the slides at the meeting. Rather, we will be including the discussion through short video snippets within the presentation. This will keep the presentation on schedule, and leave enough time for questions/answers at the end. Your presence at the meeting is remains important, but we won't put you on the spot until it's time to answer those questions.
  • We have organized the presentation as follows:
    • Intro: 21st Century Learning Defined/Justified
    • Middle: Key concepts identified and justified, with examples of student work/projects (See the form below for the key concepts)
    • Conclusion: All teachers need a laptop, projector and a lot of training. Think of what we could do!
In order to move forward and get the presentation completed with time to breathe, it is requested that all Digital Leaders complete the form below no later than Monday, January 11th so we know what you would like to contribute. If you have already uploaded samples of slides to our shared presentation, If you give a digital leader a laptop, we can use the content, but you should still complete the form. If you are unable to contribute to the Board presentation, it is important for you to contact me by email at your earliest possible convenience.

21st Century Learning Examples: Board Presentation

Our next scheduled work session will be on Monday, December 11th at Longfellow.

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