Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wiki: Institute Day Resources

At the planning meeting we decided it would be a great idea to create a wiki of Institute Day resources. I think this works on many levels:
  1. A template would help guide the sessions to make sure clear and consistent messages are sent. (i.e. Internet Safety, publishing) 
  2. It will provide us with a place to link to each other's resources and shared handouts.
  3. It will provide a format for helping presenters include district initiatives within each session (RtI, Literacy...)
  4. If done well, perhaps it could serve as a useful resources for follow up, review, and further learning.
  5. All materials for each session would be put together and ready to use again.
  6. Also, it will provide us with a work space, if we create a sandbox.
Want to build a wiki? Please comment below.


Anonymous said...

I would like to learn to do a Wiki.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned, Phyllis. We will be building a wiki to provide resources from all Institute Day sessions and everyone is invited to help build it. I am working on it now. -Susan

Anonymous said...

I think that helping outline what has to be done with a wiki would be great. I also think it might be a good starting point to discuss what is there and how the presentation modes will be configured.